The angels are saying to you:
''We need you to stop having feeling of unforgiviness and painfull memories, and be willing to forgive and trust in life. Please, change your thoughts for better feeling thoughts with affirmations, pray, and meditation.''
A prayer to archangel Michael and Raphael:
''I am willing to exchange my past relationships painfull memories for appreciation for all good things people do to me , and to see people by the eyes of God appreciating every quality they have.
I am willing to know that I am divine guided
to attract amazing business partners, receive magical ideas, and to attract lovable clients to my projects.
And I am willing to forgive my parents for everything they did to me or did not supplied because I know God is the real supplier of all my needs and I just have to believe, trust, and follow his guidance to me.
Thank you Michael and Raphael for detoxing my mind , body, and soul from toxic energies and for infusing in all my being the good expectations, gratitude, and love that comes from the divine to me.
I am so blessed! I am so loved! And I am guided right here and now! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!''
Angel Blessings to all! ♥

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