You can feel their intentions, their feelings, and what they think about you.
Many of you have being ignoring it for many reasons, one of the most commum reasons is because many of you earth angels feel lonely and simple decides to enter a relationship even if it seems to you there's something wrong.
Let go of co-dependency to others knowing that you are valuable even if lonely now, that you don't have to hang out with everyone just to not feel alone if they are not in the same vibration that you do.
When meeting someone new ask us angels and your innerself:
Is this person trustfull? What I feel about this person? How my body reacts near him?
And if this person is not trustfull you will notice the anxious, stomach pain, negative thoughts and feelings telling you the truth about this person, your inner-being and body are oracles to be used in your relationships.
Think about past relationships you had that didn't worked well, try to remember the red flags in the beginning of the relationship. Was you feeling anxious? nervous? body pain? You probably will remember some red flags that were us angels and your inner-being talking to you.
You are powerfull! We angels never leave you alone! Trust your inner-guidance!
You are blessed!
I wrote this message with the help of the angels based on some of the things I learned in the ''Assertiveness for Earth Angels course'' by Doreen Virtue.
So if you want to learn more about Detoxing Your Circle of Friends and Family consider doing this amazing course that is helping so many earth angels to become more aware of their power and to make healthy changes in their lifes.
Click In The Banner Bellow For More Information About The Course:
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