Today we gonna talk about the transition to the other dimension when you have this experience you call death. First of all we wanna you to know that in fact there's no death, you never cease existing, you was, you are, and will be forever, and that's the same for the people you love. They are still here for you, you can still call them using your own vibration to think, say, write or vizualize anything you want them to know in the other side, it's in the same way you can send your healing energy to people in your world too. People here in this dimension are so well compared to your world, you live in a wonderfull world, but your loved ones in heaven now have full peace without the ego trying to put them out of the way, they are now full conected to God, to the source of energy that created you, so be happy, celebrate, because they are so loved, so desired by God (in the same way God loves you too) that they can now feel the full connection of this divine love experience. The message from them to you is ''live your life fully, I am totally ok, now I know there's no death and more than even I know the energy of God''.
Be gentle to yourself!
Remember we are all infinite love energy!
All is truly Well!
When you fell happiness, peace, celebration, and joy you are full connected to us angels, to God, and your loved ones, and when this happens magical things can be manifested and the connection between the two worlds is perfect

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