Angel Card Reading



 Simple Reading

Receive guidance from your angels about money, peace, love, health or any other situation in your life.
(one topic or situation per reading)




(More Details And Confirmation) 

Receive Guidance from heaven to your situation or topic of your life. In a reading using 2 decks you receive not only the information provided by the first, but you also receive extra information to confirm, give deeper understanding, and extra knowledge.
(one topic or situation per reading)

Celtic Cross Reading

(10 Card Spread)

The Most Powerfull Spread - For people looking to receive very detailed Information

I'ts a very traditional, accurate, and detailed spread that show us information about your situation, challenges, near future, your hopes and fears, your power to improve it, and much more.

What's the meaning of each card in this spread:

Card 1 represents the situation.
Card 2 represents the current challenge affecting the issue.
Card 3 represents the basis of the situation.
Card 4 represents the past relevant to the situation.
Card 5 represents the present.
Card 6 represents the near future.
Card 7 represents your power in the situation.
Card 8 represents the effects ofpeople around you.
Card 9 represents your hopes or fears.
Card 10 represents the outcome.

                        Healing Heart 

                 Relationship Reading

                    (12 Card Spread)

    The perfect spread for those who are already in a relationship 

Discover what's the key issue in your relationship, where it is strong, Your hopes and the other person's hopes from the relationships, yours and his true feelings, The likely future of the relationship and much more information. Let the romance angels 
 Receive powerfull knowledge from the romance angels, and be blessed. 

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