Letting the universe to know what you want is simple as asking, some of the ways to ask:
Do an affirmation
''Thank you God and angels...(your desire here as if it already happened)
Ex.: Thank you God and angels that now I have the dream home I wished all my life, I am so gratefull.
Ask yourself what I want? What I would be doing if I had it? How it feels?
And Let yourself truly live it inside your mind visualizing the scenes.
The so called ''reality'' exists only in the spiritual sense, which means what you think, feel, and see inside is what you get from life. You are a vibrational magical being who creates your reality. And you can create it with a mix of negative and positive thoughts, or choising to improve your thoughts everyday to manifest a wonderfull magical life.
♥ You are trully blessed! Ask, Believe, And Receive! All Is Well! ♥

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