1 Green Candle
1 Green Tourmaline (Verdelite)
Before sleeping light the candle and call archangel Raphael presence.
Now visualize the esmerald green light of Raphael sorrounding all your body ang getting into every cell. And ask him for this full healing.
and chant:
''My body working true well
Is the Heaven's promisse to me
Now I receive this healing as it should be
My trueself I can see, the way heaven loves me
My body is fully working now''
extinguish the candle.
Now put your crystal near your bed and in your bed ask the archangels (especially raphael and others you have a special conection) to have a adequate sleep, and for them to make you have better eating habits and have more time and energy to exercise too. Also ask him to enter your dreams with healing and guidance. Finally say ''thank you'' and go to sleep. :) ♥

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