segunda-feira, 31 de março de 2014

Assertiveness For Earth Angels : Speak Your Truth And Make True Friendships

Hi beloved child,
we angels wants you to know that you are allowed and that it's ok for you to show your true feelings in a relationship.

When someone notices you seeming to be not ok, and you say that ''all is well'' even your feelings saying that don't there are 2 very toxic things that may happen:

- The person may notice you are afraid to show your true feelings, and if the person is ''ego-based'' they may try to take advantage of you, they can say ''oh this person does not respect herself, she is lying about her feelings just to please me''. Then, they will manipulate and use you for their own benefit as they see you don't care about showing how you feel.

- The person may be your true friend and be really willing to help and to understand why you seems to be unhappy. They can ask ''are you ok? what's going on?'' , and if you lie saying that you are fine the person may think things like ''oh she does not trust me'' or ''maybe our relationship is not so worth to her as I thought before''.

So not being assertive in saying how you feel about a situation always leads to negative things. If the person trully loves you the person may feel disappointed because you don't really trust her, if the person is ego-based they can try to take advantage of you.

Love yourself, Respect your feelings, and don't be afraid to show them to others. The worst that may happen is you losing a ''fake relationship'', the best that may happen is you turning your actual true friendships even stronger with the person trully knowing you and loving you for who you trully are.

You are loved! Heaven is here for you! Trust Michael to help you with this!

You are blessed ♥


I wrote this message with the help of the angels, their guidance, and some of the content I learned from doreen virtue's course Assertiveness for Earth Angels Series.

So If you want to learn more about Detoxing Your Circle of Friends and Family with Doreen Virtue consider doing this course that is helping so many earth angels to have a better understanding about how worth they are, the love heaven as for us, and the love we can receive from others if we show our trueself.

Allow heaven to talk to you in this course gentle guiding you to fullfill your life's purpose and to have a better and healthier life clicking bellow:
Hay House, Inc.

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